I did a fix on editthis.info yesterday. It was running super slow, and I found that some ip addresses were banging the hell out of it. One was trying to connect to login.live.com or something like that from microsoft. Another one kept requesting a weird string of escape characters. Both had no useragent strings. I am guessing they were trying to exploit some services by doing buffer overruns, but clearly the services don't exist on editthis.info.
I added some 403 errors for the offensive IP's as well as any request that doesn't have a useragent string. Seems to have resolved the problem.
I think I need to do the same to cueflash and my other sites as things have been running slower lately. Probably the same issue. Fortunately nginx makes it pretty easy:
server {
server_name *.editthis.info editthis.info;
if ($http_user_agent = "") { return 403; }
if ($http_user_agent = "-") { return 403; }
location / {
include /etc/nginx/blocked_ips.conf;
allow all;
and blocked ips looks like:
Be sure to restart nginx after making the changes as they are not dynamically checked.
To find these bad IPs I used:
apt-get install
goaccess -f /var/log/nginx/access.log
This is a command line access log tool. It is nice because you don't have to set it up to run on a webserver, and it is pretty snappy. It definitely is bare bones, but it was all I really needed, and was real time, so I could see the constant flow of attempted attacks coming in.
The one thing I wish it had was some detailed filtering.