Last month I made a doodle post of an idea for an instant online board game system.
Well, progress is coming along fast:
So far I have:
- a react site which directs /game/test to a test boardgame
- Websocket connection where you can move around game piece elements
- A component hierarchy where every piece type passes props down to possibly other piece types, to then load in the Piece component. This should allow for a rapid development of lots of types of pieces, as the details of each are just specifying what makes it different from a different piece. Examples:
- Chess pieces would remove other pieces from the board if you put one on top of another
- Clicking cards will flip them over
- clicking decks will pull a card from an array of cards and put it on top of the deck
- clicking on a dice box will roll the dice, and there will be an area to manipulate what dice are in the box
- A json structure for a game where piece components are specified, and the props that go down to them
- A reducer coding system which will minimize the size of updates coming from connected clients
Current tasks:
- Authentication
- Membership - allow access to premium games and ability to have more than 2 tables
- Create game table
- Auto save games to mongo
- Load and unload games from memory
- Set your player #, icon, color, and name (allow spectators?)
- Show hidden hand for player
- Drag/drop pieces onto table