Look at a bunch of tailwind videos, and thought about how I code to see if the two would be compatiable.
Typically I make React components, and I give a class name to the top level of the react component. So, UserProfileCard would have the class .user-profile-card-component.
Then, I create a .scss file where that is the parent class and everything else is a child. I set all the styling for the component in there.
Anything that is a common thing, such as .card, I would put in main.scss, or site.scss or something like that.
Anything that defined colors, shadowing, sizing, etc, would go in the variables.scss file.
With all that, I like what I have. Generic chunks that get reused between components (like .card), some specifications, and a bit of component specific tailored styling.
Now looking at the little animated image demoing use of it on the tailwindcss.com website, I just can't see why I would want to use that for styling a component.
I would probably set something like:
with all the relevant styling thrown in.
When I want to tweak this later, it is easy to find and change things. Also, plenty of this stuff could be generalized out of the quote-card-component, but it can also live in there until it needs to be reused elsewhere and then brought up to the global scope for a reused style.
For example, I would totally have card be put on the actual parent component element, and I wouldn't need to style the name's a tag here.
This isn't to rain too much on other's parade's. I think using tailwind is just as valid as putting inline css in style attributes on html elements. I do it once in a while as a one off, and having a library that makes that inline stuff more compressed is nice.
My main issues:
- With separated css though, you can think about what you are using where, and be able to grab and reuse and rename and tweak them easier.
- I can read style sheets much better than
max-w-7xl mx-auto px-4 sm:px-6 md:px-8 mt-20 sm:mt-24 lg:mt-32 lg:grid lg:gap-8 lg:grid-cols-12 lg:items-center
(actually copied from the html on tailwind's website) - Whatever marginal gains there are, I don't see the worth in implementing and learning tailwind to achieve it.
- I like nameing things. Yep, it is hard, but when I see a deep structure of html with no class names or ids on the elements, it is hard to think of the thought process that went into this structure. With names, I get the semantic meaning of what things are rather than just a tree of nested unnamed divs.
- This is part of my issue with react libraries that generate random class names. When I am inspecting it in the browser, I want to know what I am selecting.
- People seem to worry a lot about css name collisions. This is why everything that is particular for a component, I put under that component's class name. As such, I never have any conflicts. The only thing that might conflict is in main.css, but I don't add anything that isn't heavily being reused there, and it is all kept pretty basic.