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This was a response to a message posted from an occupy wall street support wh...


This was a response to a message posted from an occupy wall street support who felt the occupy movement has nothing to do with libertarians. They also were speaking about the need to regulate business:

Most libertarians are against the bail out of wall street, which I suppose the occupy wall street movement is about. 

The govt regulations on industry are usually written by industry leaders (not the common man) to solidify their monopolies by making it more difficult for new competition in the marketplace. Do you believe that bills are written with you in mind or lobbyists? Do you think legislators (aka the govt) serve you or serve those who wish to decrease financial equality?

Government solutions to economic problems are nice in theory, but the reality is that they are driven by corruption.

Do you believe that the health care bill 10 years from now will seem like a great idea? Or, do you think that 1 pound of legislation wasn't actually written (or read) by politicians with our interests in mind, but was instead written by those will rob our country blind?

Libertarians may be self interested, but we also have an understanding that everyone is self interested, and that the govt is not used to satisfy the needs of the people, but instead to rob from those who do not exercise power over it, and those who have power over it are those with the biggest check books - for the most part.