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Tag: godot-asset-store

Screenshot Saturday Dec 7th 2019

@tags=godot-asset-store, screenshot-saturday

On youtube

Progress update on https://godotassetstore.org

What works

In progress

Next Up

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Godot languages

@tags=languages, localization, godot-asset-store

Looking at much of the traffic on the asset store, and non-USA visitors seem to be a big part of it (China, Russia, etc).

To satisfy this market (and target them for SEO), I will do something relating to using the google translate api to translate the various assets and text in the site. Urls wi...

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registered godotassetstore.org

@tags=projects, godot-asset-store, nginx, certbot

I just registered godotassetstore.org for the Godot Asset Store. It seems like it would be an easier name to share with people and the media than godotasset.store, which just seems a little odd. I'll have to set an nginx redirect for it on the server and set up cert...

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Godot Asset Store

@tags=godot, godot-asset-store, projects, in-progress, angular, nodejs

I started developing the Godot Asset Store a few weeks ago. It is built with Angular and node.js as the backend api with nginx as the frontend.

I am getting to the tricky parts now:

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Started working on the Godot Asset store

@tags=godot-asset-store, started-project, projects, godot

10/25/2019 is the day I started the Godot Asset Store, and so I am inserting this entry for that day. After creating my first godot app (the tutorial dodge game), and after years of dipping my toe into Unity but never making much of anything, I see great potential in Godot.

One of the biggest pa...

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