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Tag: politics

Inserting political messaging into education

@tags=politics, page
10 Other books to ban immediately.png

The actual samples of things the press actually show from the rejection list are things like math textbooks using "What me, racist?" and then having the student use racial bias data that is questionable to solve a problem. This is subtly pushing the racial focused narrative, and they are findin...

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The uneasy peace of nuclear weapons.

@tags=war, politics

Just some thoughts I had after watching this video:

Simulation of a Nuclear Blast in a Major City


Nuclear weapons are the reason we haven't had multiple world wars since WWII. The game mechanics of warfare changed when any maj...

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Watch the debates between the 3rd party candidates. This is likely to have a ...


Watch the debates between the 3rd party candidates. This is likely to have a lot more "meat" than the watered down thing that is called a debate between the two major parties.

Free & Equal - Fighting for a more equal election process



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Gary Johnson bumper sticker I just ordered.


Gary Johnson bumper sticker I just ordered. 

Vote For Gary Johnson from Zazzle.com


This was a response to a message posted from an occupy wall street support wh...


This was a response to a message posted from an occupy wall street support who felt the occupy movement has nothing to do with libertarians. They also were speaking about the need to regulate business:

Most libertarians are against the bail out of wall street, which I suppose the occupy wall stre...

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Oregon Delegate Convention & Romney Camp's Dirty Tricks

@tags=ronpaul, politics

So of the 13 delegates, we were able to get 11 of our slate elected in the first two ballots. We also got 2 out of the three electors and the treasurer position. Then the nastiness started. 

So two more ballots were not done. This is because to move forward to each ballot, the previous ballot mu...

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We are doing well in oregon gop convention. First ballot we got 9 out of 10 o...


We are doing well in oregon gop convention. First ballot we got 9 out of 10 of the delegates

A little rally we had down in Beaverton this weekend.

@tags=politics, ronpaul

A little rally we had down in Beaverton this weekend.
