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From a hackernews post, I found this site:
about having office hours anyone can pop into. I used to work in offices all the time, and I enjoyed the nerdy conversations of colleges. I have been a remote worker for a long time though, and ...
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![Pasted image 20241215105219.png]()
Look at a bunch of tailwind videos, and thought about how I code to see if the two would be compatiable.
Typically I make React components, and I give a class name to the top level of the react component. So, UserProfileCard would have the class .user-profile-card-component.
Then, I create a .s...
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Have a React project written in JS that you want to convert to Typescript, but not all at once? This step by step guide will help you with that:
First snow, then silence.
This thousand dollar screen dies
so beautifully.
-- Simon Firth
The Web site you seek
cannot be located but
endless others exist
-- Joy Rothke
There is a chasm
of carbon and silicon
the software can't bridge
-- Rahul Sonnad
To have no errors
Would be life without m...
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"This is what I constantly tell my students: The hard part about doing a tech product for the most part isn't the what beginners think makes tech hard — the hard part is wrangling systemic complexity in a good, sustainable and reliable way.
Many non-tech people e.g. look at programmers and t...
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Often you will get deep in some code and come up against a wall. After working through it, and reading some documentation, if you haven't figured it out, it is time to go to stackoverflow.
I have been on stackoverflow for a little over 14 years now, and while I don't answer a lot of questions (t...
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One thing that I find that helps is to open up a text file and start typing what your thoughts are and be unfiltered (I sometimes look away from my screen so I don't proofread). Try and get everything out, and let yourself brainstorm.
Keeping it all in a conversation in your head creates too man...
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React hooks is what got me to actually like React enough to make it my primary web development framework (at least at this date). They break away from the ugly class based heavily nested object form of React, and make it truly more functional, while giving allowances for managing state in a sta...
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This is roughly a reply to/inspired by Write everything twice, just not a third time.
This is really a heavy "it depends". The goals of making it so you have one source of things to be debugged and modified ...
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