Rob Kohr

RobKohr's Blog

My father says almost the whole world's asleep. Everybody you know, everybody you see, everybody you talk to. He says only a few people are awake. And they live in a state of constant total amazement.
-Joe Vs. The Volcano


Working on Pivotal Tracker replacement

@tags=tracker, software, projects

Pivotal tracker is one of my favorite apps, and it looks like it is getting shut down. As such, I am looking to build a similar tracker software to fill this niche.

Barbell Strategies


Barbell strategy means to do two absolute different things to extremes rather than two middling things.

It comes from investing where you invest half in high risk/reward stocks, and half in risk free assets rather than just average stocks.

Some real life, non-financial examples:

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Cat Litter Parallel Universe Machine

@tags=dreams, scifi, time-travel

This came from a dream, I have cats, just changed the litters before bed, and I love the movie Hot Tub Time Machine.

In the dream, me and a bunch of friends discover that a cat litter box can send you to a parallel universe (it might have also possibly traveled through time a bit).

This presen...

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Organize Through a calendar


I have tried a bunch of task list management methods, and I am going to try a new one.

On my work calendar app, I created a new calendar where events get a light blue color. I have some repeating events on there that I want to do every day: working out, playing violin, working on individual pro...

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Firefox in all things


Chrome and Edge really dominate the tech landscape. At work, I use Firefox as I like to support something different, and even though my company says only Chrome is supported for our customers, I like that when I am developing, and seeing compatibility bugs, I am fixing them for Firefox users so t...

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Focus & Learning

@tags=learning, productivity

I wonder how many different subjects and skills you can learn at the same time - during a week, not simultaneously - and still progress in them. Like if you spend 30-60 minutes a day on one skill, take a rest, and then do the same thing with another skill, and so on, what would happen over the co...

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A wind that stays still is a wind no more

Rolling Stone 500 greatest albums merged


Someone posted up the various differences between different years that Rolling Stone released their top 500 albums of all time here:

I took that and created a spreadsheet so you can do some sorting...

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Update to "Tapping out at 20 reps"


Well, I started hitting walls with 20 reps for arms. It just is hard to get to 20 at the limits of what my arms can do, but using rep/weight calculations of the higher amount for 15 reps, I am able to achieve and upgrade my weights, even when I have been stuck for weeks at the limits of what I ca...

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Music has become a zero-sum game

@tags=economics, music

Musicians used to make money via album sales (records, tapes, cds, mp3s, etc). This is how they exploded financially by selling millions of copies.

Today we have streaming, such as Spotify, as the main avenue to make money as a musician. This is a very different economic situation.

In the initi...

READ MORE (701 words, 5 minutes)



Sometimes I have so many things to do in a day, that it is hard to move forward on some things I want to do. Needs trumping wants.

Today I got finished with the garden. I planted some starts I did in little trays the weekend before last, but they were all looking rather sickly, so I went through...

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Returning to Feudalism after capitalism fails


This was inspired by this article:

Through the weaving of all forms of capitalism through large entities that perform rent seeking behavior, we have turned ourselves into pesants working the land of our lord. Nearly compa...

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Why Generative AI Violates Copyright - for skeptics


There is a thread of thought about AI, that it isn't violating copyright, because, just like humans, it is just synthesizing new works from it's learning.

I was a little on the fence about this, but after a bit of mental wanderings, I side hard on the side that it is violating copyright. To get...

READ MORE (1006 words, 8 minutes)


20240304 Me with WWII tank.png

In WWI when tanks were being developed, they were first thought of landships. Kinda like a battleship that rolled on the land.

The Brits chose the rather commonplace name of tank to keep it a secret about what they were developing. "Oh, this here we are making... oh it's just a tank. Nothing int...

READ MORE (114 words, 1 minutes, 1 images)

Great life advice


This video is a great video listing life

Why we shouldn't have switched to metric (clickbait!)


Ancient civilizations primarily used the base 12 number system. It was perfect because it has factors of 2,3,4,6, and you can even combine together like 8 being 2/3rds of 12. This was the base of mathematics for a long time, and gave rise to concepts such as angles, measurements of time, and was ...

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Planning on extending the playground structure


2024-02-13 play structure redesign.png

Also, looking at this for some insperation:

Artificial Intelligence vs Computational Intelligence

@tags=ai, youtube

Youtube video for this:

These two terms are sometimes used interchangeably, and there are many conflicting definitions that sometimes switch the roles of these terms.

To me, artificial intelligence is the effort to simulate the real intelligence of humans. For this...

READ MORE (382 words, 3 minutes)

Javascript game development resources



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3 exercises a day


So I have been doing two workout days for a while, and each one takes nearly an hour, and it becomes hard to get myself to be motivated to do it, it isn't a daily routine, and trying to fit in that big of a time block can be challenging during the day.

I thought about it a bunch, as this is the ...

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Haikus about technology failing


First snow, then silence. This thousand dollar screen dies so beautifully.

-- Simon Firth

The Web site you seek cannot be located but endless others exist

-- Joy Rothke

There is a chasm of carbon and silicon the software can't bridge

-- Rahul Sonnad

To have no errors Would be life without m...

READ MORE (127 words, 1 minutes)

Perfect quote about the hard part about programming


"This is what I constantly tell my students: The hard part about doing a tech product for the most part isn't the what beginners think makes tech hard — the hard part is wrangling systemic complexity in a good, sustainable and reliable way.

Many non-tech people e.g. look at programmers and t...

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Updating Elf Factory

@tags=elf-factory, playdate, gamedev
Pasted image 20231208132932.png

So I built Elf Factory initially when I didn't have a playdate, and created some tiny fonts to make it so a decent amount of text could appear on the screen.

That looked great on my computer monitor, but apparently not so much on the playdate.

Now that I have one in hand, I was able to tweak a...

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Mountain forest and lake


2023-12-07 Mountain lake and forest.png

Downloading youtube videos

@tags=youtube, videos, music

If you ever have a need to download some video from youtube, this is the best tool I found:

It gives you lots of options for output sizes and types and can download channels and playlists.

Tapping out a muscle group with 20 reps


I started doing a slight tweak to my workout routine.

I do 1 set per exercise, and push to do 20 reps of that set. If I don't make it, I rest for 30 seconds and try to squeeze out some more, and repeat until I hit 20 with minimal rest.

I write down the weight and the number of reps of my f...

READ MORE (375 words, 3 minutes)

Online tool for quick photo edits

@tags=tools, art, image-editing

I needed to drop out a background and turn it transparent, and I found this great site which allows you to do that and so much more with images:

You can create animated gifs, do art style filters, do some basic drawing and modifications, etc.

Many of the thinks ...

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Pointing away from the pointless


This is a response to this article

I disagree with the whole team doing pointing thing. It always devolves into a much taller normal curve centered at 3 or 5 points. And it takes forever to come up w...

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Failure state for computers and AI


Dishwasher that wouldn't run because it thought it wasn't draining but it was Car backup sensor thought there was something there, but wasn't and wouldn't let me back up, but car had an override The airplane that they were pulling up in, but ignoring the stall warning Teslas that people let drive...

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Light painter picking up blur

@tags=design, light-painter, excelidraw

2023-10-03 Light painter picking up blur.png

Tree sketch

@tags=drawing, sketch, excelidraw

2022-08-18 Tree sketch.png

Being yourself after you forget yourself

@tags=links, self

Done manifesto

@tags=inspiration, motivation
2023-09-22 Done manifesto.png
  1. There are three states of being. Not knowing, action and completion.
  2. Accept that everything is a draft. It helps to get it done.
  3. There is no editing stage.
  4. Pretending you know what you're doing is almost the same as knowing what you are doing, so just accept that you know what...

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Why isn't VR exploding into the mainstream?


You have two real options:

  1. PC VR with a huge upfront expense, a required dedicated space, and a wire attached to your head
  2. Quest - A tightly controlled platform with limited experimental titles. It is a pain in the ass to develop for, and if you don't make a smash hit, you won't be ac...

READ MORE (136 words, 1 minutes, 1 images)

Alternative to zoom, google meet, and teams


How to run a company the Netflix way


45 going on 46

2023-08-21 dumbell.png

So I am 45, about to be 46. My father is 83. He is pretty far along with dementia, is in a VA home in Alabama, and nearly died, but that was due to being in a really bad state care facility prior that seemed to prefer to drug and leave their patients in a room to die rather than take care of th...

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Movie review: the stand in

2023-08-21 the stand in.png

In this movie, Drew Barrymore plays as both a slapstick comedy movie actor (Candy) that is famous, as well as her stand in (Paula).

In it Candy hates her career as a character that basically is a mix of Johnny Knoxville and Adam Sandler. The Paula is the person who is there to stand in for he...

READ MORE (432 words, 3 minutes, 2 images)

Writing it down


Writing things down is a way of thinking. Not a way of recording what you wrote. One way to do this is to create a TIL - today I learned.

Another way is to apply the...

The Feynman Technique

The Feynman Technique is a method named after the physicist Richard Feynman, designed to help indiv...

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Solid - useContext


I created a context system in SolidJS for forms

export const FormContext = createContext<Form>();

export interface Form {
  data: any;
  set: (data: any) => void;
  validationResult: Accessor<Joi.ValidationResult<any> | undefined>;
  touched: Accessor<TouchedData>;

READ MORE (114 words, 1 minutes)


@tags=coding, css
Pasted image 20230807125724.png

Tailwind is a css framework that with some html code that looks like this:

You can style your site without css.

Instead, you throw classes on dom elements and then tailwind will ladle some css on your element to get it to look the way you like.

As someone who has done scss for a long time, ...

READ MORE (106 words, 1 minutes, 1 images)

Joel Spolsky makes you a wizard at excel

@tags=excel, data, video

I had a link to his youtube video, but it looks like he took down his youtube account. You can watch the video here:

Custom tags to get over divitius


(note: update at end as there some issues with method)

Very often html looks like a soup of divs in projects

<div class="item">
    <div class="name">Toothpaste</div>
    <div class="description">Used to clean teeth</div>
    <div class="price">$20</div>
    <div class="actions"><button>add to cart</div>...

READ MORE (458 words, 4 minutes)

Write code for a business

@tags=thinking-out-loud, solid-js, neverall, forums

So, I am working on this forum software for I am working on making right now in solidjs because I feel that is a better platform for development.

I have the server all setup in node.js. This is now able to handle registration and login.

I have basically nothing as far as the fr...

READ MORE (229 words, 2 minutes)


@tags=art, pen

2023-07-21 Chatbot.jpg

Password validation done better

@tags=coding, security

One of the most annoying user experiences is registering and trying to create a password that passes a bunch of validation rules, such as must contain a uppercase, lowercase, special character, etc.

This doesn't always create the strongest password, and more importantly it doesn't create the mo...

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Firefox youtube downloader add on

@tags=hacks, youtube

It seems that any addon related to youtube downloading gets zapped form the Firefox and Chrome app stores. :(

Here is one I have used on Firefox that disappeared:

If you want to audit it before installing it, change the extension to zip, and unzip it (xpi is just a zip file). It looks like i...

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Making a laptop holder


I like to use my 3d printer a lot, but sometimes when there is a problem, I drop out of use for a while. Recently, a big ball of melted plastic formed around the hot end, and I didn't have an urge to fix it for a while.

Since we were doing the Nightmare Before Christmas as the theme for our card...

READ MORE (316 words, 2 minutes, 2 images)

Cardboard Boat Regatta

@tags=fun, projects

Longview has an annual cardboard boat regatta, and I wanted to participate this year.

The theme was Christmas in July, and my daughter Chloe's favorite movie is Nightmare Before Christmas, so of course we had to do that.

I had my neighbor Scott and my son Jevon help with the construction.


READ MORE (170 words, 1 minutes, 12 images)

You have to check yourself

@tags=time-management, social-media

I have various timers. I use to remind me to take time away from my screen to walk around, play some violin, lift weights, or just grab a cup of coffee and take a minute to chat with my wife and have a moment with the kids.

If I am deep in thought or work or even some distraction, I will skip ...

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Brought in my google plus backup

@tags=blogging, googleplus, ai

About 5 years ago google plus went by by, but I made sure to export using their checkout feature all the posts.

Turns out that I was a pretty prolific poster there with about 250 posts. Each exported file was a way too cluttered blob of html and style code.

I had the goal of copying them into...

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Doubled strength about 1 year since workout charting

strength spreadsheet 2022.png

So this marks about a year since I started charting my weightlifting journey, and for most of the exercises I have doubled my strength.

In my older age, I have found that more reps and less weight is the way to avoid pulling muscles - a thing that in the past has hampered progress, keeping m...

READ MORE (388 words, 3 minutes, 3 images)



Do the imperfect.

Do that which is tedious in whatever way gets you through it.

Though it may suck, both the doing and how well you do it, it is far better than to not do the thing you are looking to do.

Everyone is always intimidated that the thing they want to do is populated by those who ar...

READ MORE (123 words, 1 minutes)

Created a new blog render

@tags=coding, blog, obsidian

I wiped out as I haven't touched it in over 5 years, and replaced it with this blog.

It was built just using one long markdown file called that I edit in obsidian and each article is separated by ## Blog titles, and under that I use @date and @tags to specify those two value...

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Stackoverflow instead of beating your head against the wall

@tags=stackoverflow, coding, programming

Often you will get deep in some code and come up against a wall. After working through it, and reading some documentation, if you haven't figured it out, it is time to go to stackoverflow.

I have been on stackoverflow for a little over 14 years now, and while I don't answer a lot of questions (t...

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Popular YouTubers - look at their old stuff

@tags=youtube, motivation

I kinda love going to a popular youtuber's channel, going to their videos section, and sorting by oldest.

What is now a polished producer of content that makes you feel intimidated to even attempt to make videos was once someone with a crappy camera, shooting in their back yard with a bad audio...

READ MORE (142 words, 1 minutes)

Learned how to spell Labyrinth

@tags=life-goals, rpg

Just remember it starts with Laby.

Just a word I gave up on trying to spell right long ago. I have never been a good speller, and I think I have a slight bit of dyslexia, so I never really saw the inner spelling of the word, but finally I just decided to split the word into pieces, and remember...

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Every day I am shuffling

@tags=side-projects, focus, motivation

Consistency is what I have been progressing more to. It helps to have lots of ideas and passion, but to do something big: build strength, learning a music instrument, run for office, build a side project, etc, requires doing something every day towards that goal in an endless way. I am actually d...

READ MORE (129 words, 1 minutes)

Reddits fall - maybe turn Neverall into a Reddit clone?

@tags=reddit, neverall, social-media

Finish up the analytics part, and then create a reddit clone on Neverall. The url could be something like and then the subreddit name. I could have be for games, and for sites, and for projects, and for blogs, and neverall...

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How you move a mountain, one stone at a time

@tags=workout, exercise, fitness, motivation

I have been working out using a google spreadsheet to track workouts. I aim to do a 20 rep max each week for each exercise that is slightly above the previous week. So far, it has lead to a nice continuous improvement... assuming I don't ever skip weeks. Each time I skip more than 2 weeks it push...

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Cardboard boat regatta 2023-06-15


Scott and I are building a 5 person boat for the Longview Go 4th cardboard boat regatta. It is difficult to find time to work on it though.

attempt 2 at making sourdough starter

Yeast starter.jpg

First one dried out from a day of neglect.

I am attempting to do this to make bread at home to help with Ella's gluten intolerance. Apparently even rustic breads from the grocery store are very high in gluten from the sped up process of bread making that helps keep it fluffy and more shelf stabl...

READ MORE (71 words, 1 minutes, 1 images)

My daily process with Obsidian


I have grown to love Obsidian, the notetaking app.

I think about making a blogging app, but I l...

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Ice Cream

@tags=art, spen

Ice cream 2023-05-13.jpg

future space lady



Haiku - woodworking


sawdust in my prints

Grinding dust - I imagine

stacking in warm light

Getting a little torn between svelte and SolidJS


I have been playing with svelte, and liking it, but things just seem to mysterious. With SolidJS, I know what to expect.

I got to creating some input components with svelte and started to do a registration form. Going to try again with SolidJS to build the same thing. Let's see if it goes a litt...

READ MORE (56 words, 0 minutes)

I made a thing for a school auction


Letter Board.jpg

You gotta ...


know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away, know when to run

McDonalds Breakfast

@tags=art, spen, food

McDonald's breakfast_2023-03-04.jpg

Telemarketing speed bump


Start a timer and see if you can beat your all time score. Just listen and talk to them. Remember, every 10 seconds you are on the phone, they are losing out on harassing someone else - you are really helping a lot of people and costing them money, thus destroying a bit of their scammy business. ...

READ MORE (536 words, 4 minutes)


@tags=aws, servers

And just like that, I now understand so many more aws services I like that you can tap into things like brackets to work with quantum computers.

I still do think that AWS is like sticky fly paper to tech organizations. Yes, come use all of our fancy sm...

READ MORE (137 words, 1 minutes)


@tags=coding, svelte

The best tutorial on it

AI generated image of a mushroom house - Midjourney


Mushroom House.png

Santa & Elf Drawings

@tags=art, spen

Santa - 2022-12-20.png

Elf 2022-12-20.png

Movie Review: Press Play


Being a fan of time travel movies, and my wife being a fan of romantic time-travel movies, this was an easy choice. This is a story of a girl who lost the love her life in a tragic accident, and getting a chance to go back in time to save him with at time traveling mix tape. The catch is that she...

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On game development


My mind gets such a buzz from taking an idea and spinning it into the concept for a game and then making it so (the last part being so ardurious that it rarely comes into being). This fun open ended thought process that then needs to be rangled by the realities of time and effort to actually make...

READ MORE (150 words, 1 minutes)


@tags=art, spen

Desk 2022-08-18.jpg

Designing playground structure using AR

@tags=ar, drawing, playground, design, woodworking

Designing playground structure using AR - 2022-08-15.png

Concept art for space fighting game - 2022-07-26

@tags=space-battle-game, art, concept-art

Concept art for space fighting game - 2022-07-26.jpg

On Nostalgia In The Evolution of Music

@tags=music, philosophy

I looked up 2000's music yesterday on spotify. I am a child of the 80's and 90's and when I listen to music, I really lean heavy into those decades, and like most people when they hit middle age, they tune into the newest music on the radio, and feel that the music of their childhood is way super...

READ MORE (490 words, 4 minutes)

Mushroom Container

@tags=art, spen

Mushroom Container - 2021-12-25.jpg

Favorite Movies List


To be updated with new ones from time to time:

Mind racing, can't nap


Put a note pad next to your bed. Write down everything going through your mind. Keep writing while you are thinking until everything is covered. Now no more reason to think about things and you go to sleep. You can review the stuff when you wake up.

Concepts for work time


Allow 30 minute blocks for things, and only have one active task at a time. Count how many 30 minute blocks you use... this should be equal to the points... maybe? Not really very scrummy, but might be a good thing to track.

6 points a day = 30 points a week.z

John Cleese On Creativity Summary


Original video

(There are also some other videos of him talking about creativity)

Creativity is derived from play.

We exist in one of two states: Open and Closed

Closed is for when creativity is decided on and should be the follow up to being open. ...

READ MORE (448 words, 3 minutes)

Balancing and doing side projects


Consistency with side projects is only accomplished with scheduling tasks on a consistent basis.

Pivotal tracker for personal use

@tags=getting-things-done, scrum

Having a family, side projects, main work, hobbies, etc can just be too much to keep track of, and also to allot time to. How often do you say "I'll do X around the house" and you just never get around to it.

Recently I have fallen in love with Pivotal Tracker for work purposes in managing tas...

READ MORE (295 words, 2 minutes, 1 images)

On typescript

@tags=typescript, webdev

After working with typescript a lot on work projects, I typically skip it on personal projects as it just seems tedious at times.

Well, I just threw it into the neverall project while working on an alerting system, and by golly did it help clean up some things.

The issues I find are related t...

READ MORE (159 words, 1 minutes, 1 images)

Boston dynamics dancing robots


I wonder how long it took to create this script and how much it was don't virtually without the machine, and how much of it was done directly with the machine.

These are glorious self balancing machines that have perfected the challenging AI task of p...

READ MORE (359 words, 3 minutes)

Pick some great colors for your website or game


Cohesive colors is a color palette randomizer that does a great job picking a set of 5 colors that work really well together, and also allows you to throw a hue adjustment on them all.

This would be good for a quick way to colorize game levels or websites t...

READ MORE (85 words, 1 minutes)

Web based free replacement for photoshop

@tags=graphic-design, art

Pixlr photo editor really fulfills what I am looking for in a photoshop replacement without spending big bucks on what is basically 31 year old technology.

As someone who way the hell back in the late 90s liked to do silly things with mashing up different photos and doing...

READ MORE (147 words, 1 minutes)

One codebase to rule them all

@tags=web-dev, react, seo, adhd

A little over a decade ago, I went on a binge and made a bunch of web apps of various sorts:

READ MORE (729 words, 6 minutes)

Easy instant github branch deployment

@tags=servers, web-dev, react

Want to have your server update itself whenever you deploy to a github branch? Piece of cake:

Standardizing portable board games

@tags=3d-printing, boardgames

I have a bit of a thought that 3d printing boardgames would be great, particularly portable ones with nice cases.

For sizing, I am thinking of basing it off of the iso 216 paper sizing formats. Most people will think of this relating to the A4 printer pap...

READ MORE (387 words, 3 minutes, 2 images)

Considering surfing


I am thinking it would be fun to go surfing at the oregon and washington coast this summer.

Coding productivity


One thing that I find that helps is to open up a text file and start typing what your thoughts are and be unfiltered (I sometimes look away from my screen so I don't proofread). Try and get everything out, and let yourself brainstorm.

Keeping it all in a conversation in your head creates too man...

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Game performance by tag and modding


This is a great article about what games perform well on steam based upon their tags (categories).

Some games like strategy war games, which I have a gre...

READ MORE (134 words, 1 minutes)

Bringing things under one roof

@tags=webdev, seo

This is a great article about using subdomains vs subfolders for seo:

subdomains vs subfolders

I looks pretty clear that subfolders are the way to go.

With a single server with nginx on it, you can reverse proxy to multiple servers usi...

READ MORE (248 words, 2 minutes)

Thoughts on using grommet for web app design

@tags=web-dev, design, react

I used Grommet for a react project, and here are some of my thoughts on it.

Things I like

Things I don't like

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Next.js vs Create-React-App

@tags=web-dev, react

When doing react, I have on worked with CRA up until now. I just took over a next.js app, and when built and deployed, it is speedy, but didn't like some of the details of development:

READ MORE (335 words, 3 minutes)

6 degrees of separation on wikipedia


This is pretty fascinating stuff:

With just 3 clicks on average, you can get from any wikipedia article to any other wikipedia article.

place setting






7 days away from the time wasting websites


I have a problem with time wasting websites such as youtube, facebook, twitter, etc. I start going down rabbit holes that suck away my work day.

As such, I am putting all social media sites on a 7 day time out. I have added them all to my /etc/hosts file so that visiting them just goes to an err...

READ MORE (174 words, 1 minutes)

Cloudflare effects on users

@date=2020-09-22, web-development

For the last few years I have been using cloudflare in front of On the 21st I dropped it, and saw an immediate decrease in average load times (from google analytics):

This was without any changes to the system at all, and with about 800-900 active users per day.

Also, as mentio...

READ MORE (150 words, 1 minutes, 2 images)

Disney during covid

@tags=vacation, covid

My wife and I went to Disneyworld for our honeymoon this month and it was fantastic. Due to pandemic fears, flights were super cheap, the disney resort was discounted and nearly empty, and lines were nearly non-existent at the parks. Most rides were about a 5 minute wait, with some of the more po...

READ MORE (230 words, 2 minutes) overhaul

@date=2020-09-21, completed-projects
2020-09-21-10-26-35.png has long been overdue for an upgrade. I've been postponing it for a while, and now that I have just finished a big move, a wedding, and a honeymoon in Disney (covid be damned), I am circling back on it.

Task list (this article will be updated as things are c...

READ MORE (212 words, 2 minutes, 1 images) - play board games instantly with friends

@tags=instaboardgame, in-progress-projects

Instaboardgame will be a place for people to instantly play and create boardgames with their friends wherever they may be.

Think of it like a big box of board game pieces that you can pull out and start playing with.

To start with, you create a table, then you can e...

READ MORE (176 words, 1 minutes)

Hacker Newsletter

@tags=reading, tech

I use rss feeds, reddit, twitter, news sites, etc, etc, but the most distilled grouping of great new things to read on the web regarding programming, science, design, and many other things is Hacker Newsletter. It is a weekly email newsletter that is a curated ...

READ MORE (98 words, 1 minutes)

Shareable web based boardgame update

@tags=instaboardgame, in-progress-projects

Last month I made a doodle post of an idea for an instant online board game system.

Well, progress is coming along fast:

So far I have:

READ MORE (270 words, 2 minutes, 1 images)

Setup ssl websockets from node using nginx and certbot

@tags=nginx, nodejs, web-development, instaboardgame, websockets

Certbot is the tool from that lets you generate ssl certificates for your site without having to pay the likes of Verisign ever again. Basically I love the heck out of them for what they do.

Nginx runs on your server to redirect to loc...

READ MORE (510 words, 4 minutes, 1 images)

1000 Blank White cards sounds like a fun game


I was reading this BGG page:

And it looks like a fun game to play, especially with some jumbo index cards.

Some ideas for a go...

READ MORE (280 words, 2 minutes, 3 images)

An attempted simple guide for react hooks.

@tags=react, programming, guides

React hooks is what got me to actually like React enough to make it my primary web development framework (at least at this date). They break away from the ugly class based heavily nested object form of React, and make it truly more functional, while giving allowances for managing state in a sta...

READ MORE (776 words, 6 minutes, 1 images)

Started on a shareable web based boardgame system

@tags=shareable-board-game, software-ideas, instaboardgame, boardgames




Going through notebook directory


I am going through my notebook directory where I have a bunch of little jottings, and these next posts are from those files all brought into this blog so they can be deleted.

Some quotes from the Art of Manliness blog


Make hay while the sun shines.

READ MORE (311 words, 2 minutes)

Movies for me to watch... again



Good fermented foods for probiotics



Weighted Task Chooser

@tags=projects, launched

Weighted task chooser is a command line node script that will select a randomly weighted task to do out of a tasklist markdown file.

So you have a list of tasks to do in a markdown file:

READ MORE (110 words, 1 minutes, 1 images)

WET vs DRY coding


This is roughly a reply to/inspired by Write everything twice, just not a third time.

This is really a heavy "it depends". The goals of making it so you have one source of things to be debugged and modified ...

READ MORE (315 words, 2 minutes, 1 images)

Idea: VR game where you play with fairies

@tags=vr, software-ideas


Using 5x8 index cards for random notes and ideas

@tags=index-cards, writing

I started working with using index cards for writing ideas similar to the slipcard (Zettelkasten Method). I started working with 3x5's but found they were too small to write ideas on. Now I am using 5x8's. This works well, because I use them in portrait orientation and they fit in the [box I got ...

READ MORE (227 words, 2 minutes, 1 images)

So many ways to write


I have gotten so interested in different writing systems lately. I have more notebooks than I know what to do with. I use a daily file which I use to track work tasks. I have this blog, which is generated from a file. I recently got index cards and am trying to figure out ho...

READ MORE (83 words, 1 minutes, 1 images)

Backlog tracking


Using a long notebook file has made it easier to keep track of what I need to do each day. On any day I grab things from the backlog, and stick them under the header for today's date. Then I checkmark competed items. Incomplete items just move to the next day (or back to the backlog).

Perhaps ...

READ MORE (67 words, 1 minutes, 1 images)

Buying cheap during coronavirus



A lot of stocks are really down, some much more than average: Cruise ships, amusement parks, Dave and Busters, movie theater chains.

Selling all of my stock index funds and buying up whatever is cheap.

UPDATE 2 years later: everything went great :D

Everything in visual studio code



It amazes me how much can be done with VS code. It is really the perfect editor thanks to all of the extensions.

FAANGs are sucking us dry

@tags=business, startups

The FAANG's of the world are doing us a big disservice. They filter out the best of the best programmers in the world, and then shackle them with 300K+ golden handcuffs to work on meaningless tasks on already developed products.

I was talking with a recruiter many years back about when Yahoo had...

READ MORE (279 words, 2 minutes, 1 images)

Octomaze review

@tags=other-peoples-projects, review

Octomaze is a A good puzzler that gets you thinking, is challenging, but not so much that I have gotten stuck yet.

The mechanics and style of this game concept are great, but what really makes this shine is how much obvious th...

READ MORE (82 words, 1 minutes)

Screenshot Saturday Dec 7th 2019

@tags=godot-asset-store, screenshot-saturday

On youtube

Progress update on

What works

In progress

Next Up

READ MORE (41 words, 0 minutes, 1 images)

Remove annoying EU cookie banners

@tags=css, govt, automating-life

Tired of having to annoyingly see those accept cookies messages that EU bureaucrats have foisted upon us all? Use the StyleBot chrome extension and then open stylebot->options->Edit Global Style Sheet, and the...

READ MORE (37 words, 0 minutes, 1 images)

Programming Elevator Action

@tags=other-peoples-projects, games

Elevator Saga is a javascript programming game where you have to write code to control elevators in the most efficient possible manner to be increasingly difficult levels. Warning: this is totally a nerd trap that will suck your attention if you are a programme...

READ MORE (44 words, 0 minutes, 1 images)

Bringing back the pipes



Node red this is a very similar thing to yahoo pipes back in the day. It is a self hosted tool to pipe things into each other and do operations on them (best to watch the video there).

I want to try out your Indie Local Multiplayer Game


I have a PC hooked up to a TV with a bunch of controllers, and I love local multiplayer games with my kids. If you have a game you would like us to beta test, and write a review of, just send me a message on twitter.

On game design: make them cry

@tags=game-design, other-peoples-projects, game-review

I was talking with @octagon_game_st about his game Octomaze

I didn't finish the demo, and well, I figured I should paste it in as I think it is a good breakdo...

READ MORE (430 words, 3 minutes, 1 images)

Super Pitfall 30th Anniversary Edition

@tags=nes, other-peoples-projects

NesRocks made this very cool refreshed version of Super Pitfall that is a rom hack that updates graphics and music. He really does a great job in keeping true to the original designs.

![super pitfall](https://nesrocks.c...

READ MORE (52 words, 0 minutes, 2 images)

Angular is just easier to make most web applications in than React

@tags=angular, react

UPDATE: My feelings about this have changed quite a bit, a follow up article is to come. The summary is that React has gotten so much easier with React hooks that my recommendations here have changed.

A little background

I did about 5 years of AngularJS (not newer Angular) development, 1.5 ...

READ MORE (493 words, 4 minutes, 2 images)

Domain names are too cheap

@tags=domains, things-that-piss-me-off

It is way too difficult to find a domain that isn't being squatted on. Take any two random words in the dictionary, put them together for a domain name, and some squatter will own it.

As painful as it would be to raise prices, a domain name should be $100 per year rather than $10. This would des...

READ MORE (140 words, 1 minutes, 1 images)

USB micro and usb c Magnetic Charging Cables

@tags=shopping, reviews, amazon

I have a bunch of devices that use micro-usb, and as such I have chargers for them everywhere, but inevitably the tips on those cables start to fail, and devices have to be wiggled around and set just right to charge. On top of it, the devices themselves start to w...

READ MORE (160 words, 1 minutes, 1 images)

Oculus Quest

@tags=vr, oculus, vive

My vive has died in all the ways:

READ MORE (192 words, 1 minutes, 1 images)

Godot languages

@tags=languages, localization, godot-asset-store

Looking at much of the traffic on the asset store, and non-USA visitors seem to be a big part of it (China, Russia, etc).

To satisfy this market (and target them for SEO), I will do something relating to using the google translate api to translate the various assets and text in the site. Urls wi...

READ MORE (113 words, 1 minutes)

ConstantSail doing surprisingly well

@tags=projects, constantsail

Constant Sail Pirates and Traders analytics seems to do consistently well despite being a page with no content on it other than an old video. I should make it a priority to make this game again with newer tech to support more users than before as there is just a continu...

READ MORE (60 words, 0 minutes, 1 images)


@tags=projects, godot-asset-store, nginx, certbot

I just registered for the Godot Asset Store. It seems like it would be an easier name to share with people and the media than, which just seems a little odd. I'll have to set an nginx redirect for it on the server and set up cert...

READ MORE (55 words, 0 minutes)

A blog generator

@tags=blog, projects, announcements, github, open-source

And just like that, now we have a dead simple blog generator tool:

Github / dead-simple-markdown-to-static-blog-creator

This was used to create the site you are currently on!

A very very simple blog


This blog was created with a simple markdown file and a directory of images. Trying to come up with a good way to host it will be interesting

I should come up with a new username on twitter and domain name to match it.

Burning the midnight oil


3am is often the time I wake up, eat some cereal and do about an hour or so of hacking before heading back to bed at 5am. It just seems to be the most productive time for me (assuming I don't get wrapped up in social media).

Godot Asset Store

@tags=godot, godot-asset-store, projects, in-progress, angular, nodejs

I started developing the Godot Asset Store a few weeks ago. It is built with Angular and node.js as the backend api with nginx as the frontend.

I am getting to the tricky parts now:

READ MORE (45 words, 0 minutes)

Stack overflow


Stack Overflow is like a magic wish granting genie, if all your wishes are constrained to be answers to technical problems. Pretty much and far flung technical question I put in there, the right person comes along and provides an answer.

Started working on the Godot Asset store

@tags=godot-asset-store, started-project, projects, godot

10/25/2019 is the day I started the Godot Asset Store, and so I am inserting this entry for that day. After creating my first godot app (the tutorial dodge game), and after years of dipping my toe into Unity but never making much of anything, I see great potential in Godot.

One of the biggest pa...

READ MORE (313 words, 2 minutes)

Govt law monitoring site

@tags=concept-art, govt

2019-04-24 Govt law monitoring site.jpg

submarine playhouse

@tags=concept-art, playhouse

2019-04-24 submarine playhouse.jpg

Mix Match Domains

@tags=projects, launched

Generate domain names from keywords using


First play through of Unseen Diplomacy


Watch me struggle :)

Butchering the basics


Firebird On Ice - Comedy Show Class Ending




I wrote this a long while back about a dream I had about a race that happens every year. This isn't a normal race, but one where participants can bring all manner of things to race with (skateboards, bikes, etc) but most chose to go by foot.

The race starts in the dark of night, in a dense ci...

READ MORE (383 words, 3 minutes, 1 images)

Netflix Jump scroll


I created a new google chrome extension that changes the functionality of the netflix left/right scroll buttons. Instead of doing the annoying slow scroll, this makes it jump to show the next set of movies in the carousel. 

[Netflix Jump Scroll](

READ MORE (40 words, 0 minutes)

Git Tower


After years of using git from the command line, I pretty much only handle git from this app now. I started using it 4 months ago for work, and now also use it to manage my personal github stuff. It makes managing and visualizing git a breeze. 

[Tower - The most powerful Git client for Mac](http:...

READ MORE (55 words, 0 minutes)

Offworld trading company


This looks like a really fun original game. Basically you are one of a number of companies competing to develop on Mars and you acquire resources and trade them on the market trying to outdo your competitors.


@tags=projects, island-warfare, webgame

I am working on a game at

Sign up now to receive an email when it is launched!

It will be a game where you build up the resources and units on an island and use them to capture other neighboring islands.

Bitcoin pricing


I see so many charts posted predicting the future value of bitcoin.

I love it when people put lines all over price charts hoping to predict the subjective valuation of thousands of irrational actors. 

Trends are meaningless, and mass action will come in response to events out in the wor...

READ MORE (132 words, 1 minutes)

Google plus is pretty great


Starting to re-find my love of google+. Facebook tends to just be a collection of highschool and other old friends' updates about their lives: marriage, kids, etc. It is nice to browse, but in the end I don't think I get much from it. Also, since I was in politics for a while, and made a lot of p...

READ MORE (207 words, 2 minutes)

Depression Quest: An Interactive (non)Fiction About Living with Depression


I was reading an article in Gamasutra about novel game design and he told a little story about how this game helped snap him out of depression (and also helped him realize that games can provide more than just casual fun).

If you know anyone that might be dealing with depression, send them the li...

READ MORE (72 words, 1 minutes)

Go Tetris


If you like Go and Tetris, give this a try.
Warning: it is super hard. 

Play Go Tetris! 1.1

Fontello - icon fonts generator


This is so cool! You can take and mesh together icons from different font sets along with svg images and define the names of the icons however you like.

This is the most awesome way to make an icon set for your website!

With this you can scale things as you like, and make icons any color you lik...

READ MORE (61 words, 0 minutes)

Net Neutrality Laws


The internet is a functioning thriving ecosystem that works with the current very light regulation regime, and it has been for decades. 

How about this: when the telcoms get around to screwing the consumers by throttling their youtube and netflix (yes ignoring that one incident) then we can ...

READ MORE (108 words, 1 minutes)

The joys of JS


javascript : how could a loosely typed, prototype-based, asynchronous language, with complex scoping rules, and a propensity for complex callback loops be possibly dangerous :)    

It does make for some fun surprises

Cool, I love Bjork


Cool, I love Bjork

Bjork in the New York Times Magazine

Parody atari game covers

@tags=funny, retro-gaming


Parody atari game covers... many look like they would have been fun :)

Monty Python Universe song


Because...  Just because.

From the meaning of life we have the Monty Python Universe song. A great rendition that shows just how amazing the universe really is from one ridiculous movie.

Javscript for math


I use the javascript console as a calculator, and it is funny when binary <- -> decimal rounding/conversion errors pop up unexpectedly.

This is a good reason to be careful when doing if(x==someNumber) conditionals in your code.



If you would like to contact me via bitmessage, my address is 

Update: I no longer have access to this address

Teacher for all of childhood


It would be interesting if kindergarten teachers went with you all the way up to senior year of high school. They wouldn't just be a teacher for a grade level, but for the lifetime of a kid till they go off to college. 

Yep, I can see plenty of problems with this and plenty of work arounds t...

READ MORE (122 words, 1 minutes)

Full vinyl albums on youtube

@tags=youtube, music

This will list  recorded full albums on YT

full album vinyl - YouTube

Digital Ocean


Loving vps. Only $5 a month for a base one, but if you are using it for development, you can snapshot it and shut it down, and only pay a few cents for the hours you had it running. 

Basically I treat snapshoting and shutting down like putting away my toys for playing with l...

READ MORE (72 words, 1 minutes)

dieselsweeties saucer seperation


Pasted image 20230629075149.png

Trucrypt not secure?


So, Truecrypt posted that they are no longer secure anymore and you can no longer download their software and ... oh yeah, you should start using Microsoft's Bitlocker instead. Never mind that it is closed source and that MS promises that they won't put in a back door for the NSA.

The nice thing...

READ MORE (121 words, 1 minutes)

Cool breaking bad party


Cool craftiness

I'm in the empire business -- Breaking Bad season finale party

Facebook bought your face


Oculus rift is being bought by facebook. Now we can have facebook for your face.

Hurrah for price increases


So it looks like Verisign has increased domain registration prices to over $10 for .coms:

 After 7/1/2013, prices change
    .com from $10.99 to $14.99 per year.
    .name, .ws and .biz from $12.99 to $14.99 per year.
    .ca from $11.99 to $14.99 per year.
    .org, .info, .net and ...

READ MORE (459 words, 4 minutes)

Wow, that's it. Game over for Nintendo, XBox, and playstation


Wow, that's it. Game over for Nintendo, XBox, and playstation. It is so easy to make a game on android and put it on this store, consoles and their gated developer communities don't stand a chance. 

There have been a few android game consoles that were made by small firms and a bunch that were i...

READ MORE (90 words, 1 minutes)

Hacking on a new version of Tank!


Hacking on a new version of Tank!


Test if spen


Test if spen


Google+ post




Look a blimp


Look a blimp


One of my favorite mobile apps is Mind Wall. It is a simple puzzle game where...

@tags=games, ld48

One of my favorite mobile apps is Mind Wall. It is a simple puzzle game where you need to chip off one square of a wall to fit a tetris like block through the wall. It is mildly challenging, and makes for a good spacial puzzle. It was created for ld48

iOS: <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="...

READ MORE (67 words, 1 minutes)

This is advice I would have taken had I known when I started college. I would...


This is advice I would have taken had I known when I started college. I would pass this on to anyone you know that is going to college soon.

Testing Out: How to “Moneyball” Your Way to a Debt-Free College Degree

READ MORE (41 words, 0 minutes)

I used to work in e-commerce, and one term you might not heard of is called a...


I used to work in e-commerce, and one term you might not heard of is called an "abandoned cart." It is when a user is about to check out, but then leaves the site. This happens frequently, and many savvy e-commerce sites try to recover these abandoned carts.

If you got through much of the process...

READ MORE (151 words, 1 minutes)

I am using


I am using redphone now, so feel free to call me using it.

Google Extension Idea: Check out elsewhere for amazon.


Google Extension Idea: Check out elsewhere for amazon. I use a chrome extension called "the invisible hand" which shows you what other online stores are charging in comparison to amazon. It would be great if there was an extension called "check out elsewhere" where your whole cart could be dro...

READ MORE (213 words, 2 minutes)



#IdeaNeedsHackers Have a good idea that you want to get some hackers on board with? Just put it out there and use the #IdeaNeedsHackers  hash tag. You should state whether or not you can contribute to the development effort, or if this is just an idea that you want to kick out into the world and...

READ MORE (119 words, 1 minutes)

Android Bitcoin Venerability


If you or anyone you know is using bitcoin on android, there is a issue with how android was creating random numbers which made transactions generated on android wallets vulnerable where the private keys could be reverse engineered. 

I use BitcoinSpinner, and I upgraded BitcoinSpinner, and then i...

READ MORE (219 words, 2 minutes)

No database for node.js


So I have been using node.js and mongo for some time, and yeah, it works fine and all, but I am starting to wonder, why bother with a db at all?

When you are using PHP each load of a page restarts the PHP app, and the only way you can have any state stored for anything is to use some database sys...

READ MORE (285 words, 2 minutes)

The end of HP


For some reason I have been thinking a lot about health bars, HP in RPGs, and RTS'

The idea of diminishing health until a character is dead just seems to be very far from reality. If you get hit by a sword or arrow or bullet, you are either critically wounded (crippled), dead, or maybe it was ju...

READ MORE (225 words, 2 minutes)

Google Distopia?


Google Distopia?

So I was watching this video Google Glass - The First Fight & Arrest Caught on Glass - July 4 Wildwood, N...

READ MORE (262 words, 2 minutes)

dictionary of numbers

@tags=comics, numbers

Dictionary of Numbers | xkcd

READ MORE (14 words, 0 minutes)

This looks to be big


This looks to be big:

Bitmessage Wiki

READ MORE (15 words, 0 minutes)

ConstantSail Nodepdx


Demo of for nodepdx ( )

This was done completely with node.js using mongodb as the data store, and using jQuery Mobile as the front end framework. Also used was express.js and ejs as the templating engine.

READ MORE (39 words, 0 minutes)

A quick and easy way to make Chrome web browser more secure


A quick and easy way to make Chrome web browser more secure:

Go to this url: chrome://plugins/

and start disabling plugins. The number 1 on your hit list is Java, which accounts for 50% of the security issues in the last year. (source: <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://www.reuters.c...

READ MORE (76 words, 1 minutes)

This is my first phone app I have m...


Now available in the iTunes store!

This is my first phone app I have made in over a year. It is a simple RPG dice roller. More apps to come :)

Quick RPG Dice

"Go Go Red Team"


"Go Go Red Team" "Go Go Blue Team"

Whatever side you are identified yourself with, you are identifying yourself with a side that supports an evil financial system, an imperialist military system, and a corrupt bought out political system controlled by career politicians who's main focus is gettin...

READ MORE (130 words, 1 minutes)

Photoshop wasn't handy, and gimp is a pain to use.

@tags=apps, graphics

Photoshop wasn't handy, and gimp is a pain to use. After trying to find a decent alternative, I stumbled upon sumopaint, a free web based photo editor. It might be a bit weak for super-advanced users, but for me it worked just fine. 

It does layers, magic wand selection, and 98% of all of the oth...

READ MORE (66 words, 1 minutes)

I put out my first android app today. :)


I put out my first android app today. :)

Wow, this looks like it will be a really fun game.


Wow, this looks like it will be a really fun game.


Google+ post 2013-01-11


Nomination seals break with past policies -

bitcoins mined


So 25 btc are mined every 10 minutes, 3600 per day. At $13 a piece, that is $4800 per day. Considering the number of people that are doing bitcoin mining, it doesn't seem like a lucritive investment - unless you have free/subsidized electricity.

Google+ post 2012-12-07




PrintCoins - Physical Bitcoins Bills For Your Your Wallet

Wow, the fiscal cliff sounds great


Wow, the fiscal cliff sounds great: Basically both parties hate it as i...

READ MORE (167 words, 1 minutes)

This is the first time I funded a kickstarter. Although I don't do miniat...


This is the first time I funded a kickstarter. Although I don't do miniature gaming, I love these little houses that you can pop apart and put back together, and think they would be great for the kids. 

I funded this for $15 to get the "Fisherman's Cottage" which comes with a cool sod roof.


READ MORE (59 words, 0 minutes)

I know everyone is all heated up about the presidential race, but if you are ...


I know everyone is all heated up about the presidential race, but if you are local to oregon, check out James Buchal who is running for Attorney General. He is a liberty oriented candidate who got on the Republican ticket through a write in campaign. 

Issues that are important to him are ...

READ MORE (87 words, 1 minutes)

Google+ post 2012-09-28



I am in on the October Challenge for Ludum Dare, and will be developing


I am in on the October Challenge for Ludum Dare, and will be developing

You can sign up for email/rss/twitter updates on the website. ...

READ MORE (59 words, 0 minutes)

I think conspiracy theories are sometimes conspiracy in themselves.


I think conspiracy theories are sometimes conspiracy in themselves. 

ZeroHedge put the RT as a bullet point, and feel that it requires a little comment. 

I think that the RT is nothing more than a russian news puppet show that is similar to our leaflet bombings of enemies in prior wars. Their pu...

READ MORE (188 words, 1 minutes)

So I now have two separate projects on github where people are forking and me...


So I now have two separate projects on github where people are forking and merging in code. 

I now see the delight in the git experience. :)

After using mongodb for quite some time and building several systems with it,...

@tags=PHP, LAMP, MySQL, Nodejs, mongodb, coding

After using mongodb for quite some time and building several systems with it, I am starting to drift back into preferring structured data in a mysql db. 

I think the seco...

READ MORE (305 words, 2 minutes)

Google maps has a bike mode and a mass transit mode. It would be great if the...


Google maps has a bike mode and a mass transit mode. It would be great if they had a mixed mode which just showed the speediest way to get there assuming you could skip mass transit things that are too slow.

A new way to round - rand_round


A new way to round - rand_round So in grade school you are taught the basics of rounding. If the decimal portion of the number is < .5 round down to the integer so 5.3 becomes 5. If it is >= .5 round up, so 5.8 becomes 6.   This is well and good if you are doing something that has an even d...

READ MORE (312 words, 2 minutes)

Ebay's failure as an auction sitego to eb.


Ebay's failure as an auction site

Too often when I go to ebay now, I just find merchants filling the search results with either "buy it now" items, or auctions with too high of a starting price.

I wish they would do something about this. A simple solution would be a 5% charge of the listing pr...

READ MORE (93 words, 1 minutes)

This is a pretty no-fills website that has been running since 1999. It emails...


This is a pretty no-fills website that has been running since 1999. It emails you whenever a web page changes. I use it whenever a site doesn't provide rss or a newsletter, but I want to keep track of when there are updates.

ChangeDetection - Know when any web page changes


READ MORE (51 words, 0 minutes)

The original plot of the Little Mermaid was more dramatic than Disney's v...


The original plot of the Little Mermaid was more dramatic than Disney's version.

The Little Mermaid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Book review of Starship Troopers I posted on


Book review of Starship Troopers I posted on

This is totally different than the movie, but only in good ways. Heinlein is a expert of political philosophy applied to science fiction and paints a world of a fascist government that is embraced by its citizens, and you can sympathise ...

READ MORE (185 words, 1 minutes)

First done, first paid :)


First done, first paid :)

I need a simple image fix for this image - 0.75 BTC

Google+ post Clang



The code isn't going to write itself


"The code isn't going to write itself"

I constantly tell myself that every time I wonder why things aren't getting done at the speed that I expect for personal projects. Typically it comes down to being overzealous with my project timelines, or just doing too many things that are distracting me f...

READ MORE (89 words, 1 minutes)

My shaving arsenal - similar to your grandfather's


My shaving arsenal - similar to your grandfather's:

READ MORE (54 words, 0 minutes)

Burger time


Burger time


Google+ post make a slingshot


DIY Weekend Project: How to Make a Slingshot

When we reach 21 Million Bitcoins, will their be no economic activity, and...


When we reach 21 Million Bitcoins, will their be no economic activity, and a deflation spiral? #bitcoin
I think an assumption here is

Fixed monetary quantity = deflation.

The increase or decrease in money value is not entirely based upon scarcity.

A major factor in inflation is monetar...

READ MORE (451 words, 3 minutes)

Google+ post Oregonians for Liberty


Oregonians For Liberty - Google Groups

gop rules


READ MORE (9 words, 0 minutes)

lorem ipsum


Lorem Ipsum Generator - Samuel L Ipsum

Need a decent rating system for a matched based game system?


Need a decent rating system for a matched based game system?

I just implemented the glicko-2 rating system (similar to ELO, except much better) in javascript: <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="" class="ot-anchor bidi_isolate" jslog="10929; track:click" dir=...

READ MORE (53 words, 0 minutes)

Tey were really looking forward to pie.



I am surprised it took people this long to strap a gun to a quadrocopter. Unf...


I am surprised it took people this long to strap a gun to a quadrocopter. Unfortunately, FPS is right. This is the future. Though I can see a person controlling a semi-autonomous squad of them rather than just a single one.

One would be the eyes of the operator, and with a mouse he could click mu...

READ MORE (213 words, 2 minutes) is a great way to monitor a website that you go to infreq...

@tags=google-plus-post is a great way to monitor a website that you go to infrequently (in this example, once a year). They email you whenever a change happens

The link below is for google code jam's change log, and it is fun to see some of the minor copy tweaks the make over time.


READ MORE (59 words, 0 minutes)

If you have had enough of high res flashy backgrounds, and you would like som...


If you have had enough of high res flashy backgrounds, and you would like something a little simpler.

Simple Desktops

Have a mac, here is how to check if your infected


Have a mac, here is how to check if your infected. *Open terminal run this

defaults read /Applications/ LSEnvironment and this defaults read ~/.MacOSX/environment DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES

If both those commands come back with something that ends with "does not exist" you ...

READ MORE (72 words, 1 minutes)

Don't talk to police


Dont Talk to Police

An law school professor and former criminal defense attorney tells you why you should never agree to be interviewed by t...

READ MORE (35 words, 0 minutes)

Unity is giving away iOS and Android add ons until April 8th for free.


Unity is giving away iOS and Android add ons until April 8th for free.

UNITY: Game Development Tool

They put all over this that this is conceptual design, and not actual gamepla...


They put all over this that this is conceptual design, and not actual gameplay. But I hope they make it look even a little like this as it is pretty hot.

This will require a constant internet connection as they are implementing stuff that will have economic balancing with other cities in your "re...

READ MORE (361 words, 3 minutes)

On FB and G+ games, they don't allow you to modify the permissions for th...


On FB and G+ games, they don't allow you to modify the permissions for the games. What if I don't want to give you my email address and all of my info?

Checkboxes would be nice, and the game creator will then have the chose of refusing me if I don't give enough info.

For game creators, don't ask...

READ MORE (104 words, 1 minutes)

When I mouse over a person who just circled me, it would be great to see thei...


When I mouse over a person who just circled me, it would be great to see their most recent post(s) without having to click them.

Answers are just the embryos of new questions.


Answers are just the embryos of new questions.

I wish there was 2x, 4x, 8x speed modes for youtube and other video sites. So...


I wish there was 2x, 4x, 8x speed modes for youtube and other video sites. Some interesting talks take to long.

I remember this was a feature on my iphone, and I used to use it for some podcasts.

Can anyone sum up why the google policy changes are important. I would like t...


Can anyone sum up why the google policy changes are important. I would like to know the tl;dr version.

Singing with headphones on is like driving without looking at the road.


Singing with headphones on is like driving without looking at the road.

I can't stand out of office auto-replies.


I can't stand out of office auto-replies.

I send a message to 10 people and 3 back. I don't care that you took off on friday.

It would be great if when you send out an email you can tack on #noOOO or something like that, and the auto-reply system will not send those back.

Or maybe reverse it...

READ MORE (83 words, 1 minutes)

So the banks are being incentivised 63 cents on the dollar for the for every ...


So the banks are being incentivised 63 cents on the dollar for the for every dollar of a mortgage that is forgiven. This will be paid for with tax funds.

That is huge.

If you are in forclosue is time to give the bank a call and negotiate.

There is a Mongolian place we go to where one of the bins of meat is labeled ...


There is a Mongolian place we go to where one of the bins of meat is labeled "Turkey Shrimp." The legendary Turkey Shrimp is a crowd favorite.

This is a sketch of a live turkey shrimp drawn by +<a class="proflink bidi_isolate" href="http...

READ MORE (47 words, 0 minutes, 1 images)

Google+ post 2012-02-09


Google+ post 2012-02-06


**Follow everyone that someone else is following on twitter**


Follow everyone that someone else is following on twitter

I opened up a second twitter account, and I wanted to follow everyone my first twitter account was following. I went to the "following" page for the first account and started clicking away, till bordom ensued. Then I did an inspect ele...

READ MORE (75 words, 1 minutes)

Virus=very yes


Virus=very yes

Strong Bad Email

Digg/Reddit like News site. Voting is based on Bitcoins!


Digg/Reddit like News site. Voting is based on Bitcoins!

I created a site where you can post links, videos, images, and blobs of text (h...

READ MORE (135 words, 1 minutes, 1 images)

This will make it so you can click a button to open iTerm in any finder folde...


This will make it so you can click a button to open iTerm in any finder folder:

Download *<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="" class="ot-anchor bidi_isolate" jslog="10929; track:click" dir...

READ MORE (123 words, 1 minutes)

XKCD has a great comic about how to create a strong yet easy to remember pass...


XKCD has a great comic about how to create a strong yet easy to remember password:

And this site created a generator for it: <a rel="nofollow"...

READ MORE (42 words, 0 minutes)

Pissed about SOPA, it will be back. Here are some better ways to keep it from...


Pissed about SOPA, it will be back. Here are some better ways to keep it from coming back:

Make sure these pricks don't get reelected:

Lamar Smith (R-TX) -- introduced the legislation Harry Reid (D-NV) Howard Berman (D-CA) Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) Mary Bono Mack (R-CA) Steve Chabot (R-OH) J...

READ MORE (91 words, 1 minutes)

Particle physics have come a long way.


Particle physics have come a long way.

This is a new Multiphysics simulator by Lagoa Technologies Inc.

It looks like SOPA and PIPA have likely been stopped as politicians have drop...


It looks like SOPA and PIPA have likely been stopped as politicians have dropped support for it.

It was a great move for freedom, but on a more sour grapes note: where was this outpouring of popular dissent when so many non-internet freedoms have been taken away.

It looks as though without yest...

READ MORE (307 words, 2 minutes)

Cueflash sopa

@tags=google-plus-post and ...

READ MORE (86 words, 1 minutes)

Picture wars is a forum based game where a 2-d sidescroll style map is used. ...


Picture wars is a forum based game where a 2-d sidescroll style map is used. 2 or more players each use their own sprite pack armies in a turned based war game.

Each turn, players move their units and attack things by updating the image. Whatever makes sense is considered acceptable. Along with ...

READ MORE (76 words, 1 minutes)

virus comix


Strongbad techno



Strong Bad makes a techno song.

I dropped google a couple weeks ago as my default search system in favor of


I dropped google a couple weeks ago as my default search system in favor of The reason was that the results for technical terms started getting mor...

READ MORE (102 words, 1 minutes)

Great comment on hacker news


Great comment on hacker news:

sunchild 27 minutes ago This is such an important point: there is...

READ MORE (60 words, 0 minutes)

Top 50 entries for the 48 hour game development competition.


Top 50 entries for the 48 hour game development competition.

Ludum Dare Âģ Ludum Dare 22

Fake Amazon Reviews


Fake Amazon Reviews

Important when looking at reviews on Amazon: click on their profiles and see what else a person reviewed.

I find a lot of reviewers are fake, and are really just sock puppets of the person selling the item.

When the person reviewing the item only ever reviewed this item,...

READ MORE (72 words, 1 minutes)

iphone Games in real life


Obama signed the NDAA today


Obama signed the NDAA today.

The Act legislatively codifies the President's authority to indefinitely detain terrorism suspects without trial. This can include US citizens on American soil.

(at this point I had about a dozen sarcastic remarks about Obama, but really I think none are needed.)

Being a father of a 4 year old, I have watched someone learn their first lang...


Being a father of a 4 year old, I have watched someone learn their first language. He really understands english very well, but he has shown me the many inconstancies and exceptions in our language. It would be great to use a survey of common "mistakes" a child makes in understanding the english l...

READ MORE (69 words, 1 minutes)

Anyone interested in minatures should check out shapeways.


Anyone interested in minatures should check out shapeways.

You can have them 3d print pretty much anything you can come up with.

#rpg #gaming

Shapeways | Gallery

Glico rating system

@tags=projects, launched, open-source

Javascript implementation of glicko-2 rating system along with a ffa-team based setup.


Thinking of setting up a utility to have the amazon turk sort out all of the ...


Thinking of setting up a utility to have the amazon turk sort out all of the good photos in my photo albums.

A better way to fight SOPA


A better way to fight SOPA

GoDaddy has been a supporter of SOPA which has caused many to boycott them.

Here is an even better way to hit them in the bottom line...

Add this somewhere in your webpage (you can just stick it somewhere in the footer)

GoDaddy is #1 in google for "Domain Registrati...

READ MORE (279 words, 2 minutes)

Reminds me of the girl from Real Genius


Reminds me of the girl from Real Genius


Google+ post 2011-12-22


FAIL! !!!!!!!

Google has been manipulating their algorithm, with the goal of making it more...


Google has been manipulating their algorithm, with the goal of making it more friendly to users.

This means it will find results that do not match all of your criteria, but are more "meaningful" ~= higher page rank.

They have also ditched the + operator (+keyword) which forces only results that ...

READ MORE (251 words, 2 minutes)

It is really annoying when source code download sites don't provide a url...


It is really annoying when source code download sites don't provide a url that you can use with curl (usually it is some html redirect page that does tracking for them).

I want to download the code onto the server. I don't want to download it locally and then scp it to the server.

What I love ...

READ MORE (95 words, 1 minutes)

It looks like the next batman movie is a mortal kombat crossover


It looks like the next batman movie is a mortal kombat crossover:

The D...

READ MORE (271 words, 2 minutes)

After futzing with Adobe Illustrator for a while, and getting fed up, I hand ...


After futzing with Adobe Illustrator for a while, and getting fed up, I hand coded an SVG file and imported it in. So much easier when you want to be accurate. Trying to tell the software what you want with pointing and clicking just isn't as good as typing in


READ MORE (83 words, 1 minutes)

Bitcoin ecommerce

@tags=google-plus-post I added a description of how I handle ecommerce.

Best practises for making a serious...

READ MORE (27 words, 0 minutes)

An image of a bitcoin mining rig. It is so industrial, it looks almost like e...


An image of a bitcoin mining rig. It is so industrial, it looks almost like equipment to do real physical mining.

Pictures like this remind me never to get into mining. <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="" class="ot-anchor bidi_is...

READ MORE (40 words, 0 minutes)

Using my kids' playroom as a photo studio can be amusing in retrospect.


Using my kids' playroom as a photo studio can be amusing in retrospect.


printcoin check


Bitcoin cheques now available on <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://printcoi...

READ MORE (77 words, 1 minutes)

I am sharing the share of my own post ... and deleting original. ...


I am sharing the share of my own post ... and deleting original. ...

Nice, someone has pulled videos together for all of these academic classes.


Nice, someone has pulled videos together for all of these academic classes.

Academic Earth | Online Courses | Academic Video Lectures

Really, set up any command to run on startup as a service


Really, set up any command to run on startup as a service (and have "start/stop myprocess" commands available to you).

Much easier than init.d

Run Node.js as a Service on Ubuntu

Buckyballs bb gauss rifle


bucky balls/bb gauss rifle

This video was uploaded from an Android phone.

READ MORE (20 words, 0 minutes)

I run a UGC site on a dreamhost virtual private server called


I run a UGC site on a dreamhost virtual private server called A user posted up content that was copyrighted, and dreamhost recieved a DMCA takedown not...

READ MORE (173 words, 1 minutes)

So someone sent a DMCA notice to my service provider. They were complaining a...


So someone sent a DMCA notice to my service provider. They were complaining about content that they considered their copyright in a wiki I am hosting. It was a page about their news station WHKY TV. Looking through the history of the page, I could see that a bunch of people worked together to crea...

READ MORE (147 words, 1 minutes)

I wish I could pay not to see ads on youtube. I would pay $10 a year to not s...


I wish I could pay not to see ads on youtube. I would pay $10 a year to not see them. Surely that is worth more than the advertisers are paying you.

I got tired of being distracted by that little red notification, and was abou...


I got tired of being distracted by that little red notification, and was about to write an extension to hide it. Thankfully someone beat me to it.

Hide Google+ Notification - Chrome Web Store

READ MORE (34 words, 0 minutes)

Ludum Dare

@tags=google-plus-post Launched <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://c...

READ MORE (33 words, 0 minutes)




The Knights of the Round Staples : diesel sweeties robot webcomic & geeky t-shirts

code at the end of the post


What happens when you round 3.6 ---> you get 4.

What about in a game? Should every time a player kills 3.6 of an enemy, should it be really 4?

Probably not, but the math might have that happen all of the time. It should be that it rounds up 60% of the time. Over time, the average player would ...

READ MORE (150 words, 1 minutes)

Avoiding a deep stack of callbacks


When working with mongodb especially, but also in other cases, you can create a deep stack of calls that can get pretty ugly in javascript.

To avoid this I created a function that will recursively go through an array of things you want to process in a callback stack.

Follow link to

READ MORE (62 words, 0 minutes)

Working hard on Constant Sail: Pirates & Traders for the October competit...


Working hard on Constant Sail: Pirates & Traders for the October competition. It is a pirate game where you sail around a world and trade goods. It is multiplayer and web based with a big emphasis on PvP fighting.

As you can see, even though I am making this for the web, it is being formatted to ...

READ MORE (72 words, 1 minutes)

Visited the portland occupy protests today and had some great chats with some...


Visited the portland occupy protests today and had some great chats with some revolutionaries :)

This is what 3d should really be.


This is what 3d should really be.

Using the infrared camera in the Wii remote and a head mounted sensor bar (two IR LEDs), you can accurately track the location of your head and render view dependent images on the screen. This effectively transforms your display into a portal to a virtual enviro...

READ MORE (91 words, 1 minutes)

Totally into ...


Totally into ...

We're going on tour in October, check it out!!! Pomplamoose 2011 West Coast Tour Los Angeles October 21 @ The Troubadour Tickets: Facebook:!/event.php?eid=150526285036434 Santa Barbara October 22 @ SoHo (21+) T...

READ MORE (327 words, 3 minutes)

Anyone accept #Bitcoin on any e-commerce or game site?


Anyone accept #Bitcoin on any e-commerce or game site?

Does anyone want the domain


Does anyone want the domain: ? I had plans on building something like Survey Monkey with it, but I don't think it would be worth my time.

I think it is a pretty awesome name, but not worth it to me to do the $10 renewal. If you want it, let me know (though keep in mind it wi...

READ MORE (78 words, 1 minutes)

Result set pagers are really annoying


If you have a search results page on your website, try to minimize the amount that users have to use the pager on those results.

Google gets away with showing only 10 results, because they are awesome at delivering what you are looking for in that first page. Your results probably aren't that su...

READ MORE (92 words, 1 minutes)

Destiny is for people who are too lazy to create alternate timelines.


"Destiny is for people who are too lazy to create alternate timelines." (


READ MORE (20 words, 0 minutes)

If I were at the NYC protests, this is what I would have on my banner


Greed is not the problem. Capitalism is not the problem. Corporate control of the government is the problem.

What is amazing is that there are so many interesting products that you can b...


What is amazing is that there are so many interesting products that you can buy now. Looks like a great way to get some cool presents for people for christmas.

quirky | social product development

1994 - Pulp fiction & Inflation


1994 - Pulp fiction & Inflation

There was a scene that really focused on the cost of a $5 milkshake. This was between two characters that probably blow plenty of money on coke and heroin.

Today, a $5 milkshake is no big deal. Heck, that is how much a coffee is (the cheapest beverage to make on e...

READ MORE (79 words, 1 minutes)

I am looking forward to the race to the bottom in the tablet wars.


I am looking forward to the race to the bottom in the tablet wars.

Give me a call when they are priced right above the raw materials it took to produce them.

What do people in Ludum Dare use for timelapse on Mac.


What do people in Ludum Dare use for timelapse on Mac.

Want to add jquery to a page you are viewing on your browser for some quick h...


Want to add jquery to a page you are viewing on your browser for some quick hackery?

Create a bookmark with this as the location:

javascript:void((function(){j=document.createElement("SCRIPT");j.src="<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="" class="...

READ MORE (54 words, 0 minutes)

What a great video.


What a great video.

Official video for 'The Stampede' by Biting Elbows from our debut EP - 'Dope Fiend Massacre' Click to Tweet: Buy @ iTunes @ Amazon facebook: www.BitingEl...

READ MORE (115 words, 1 minutes)




The Bottom Feeder: The Hardest Game. For Adults.

Attempted to play Dwarf Fortress last night. It is a tough game to get into.


Attempted to play Dwarf Fortress last night. It is a tough game to get into.

Bay 12 Games: Dwarf Fortress

Build a house for less than 5000


Build a house for less than $5000 | Cira Car

READ MORE (19 words, 0 minutes)

The Jumpers

@tags=dreams, stories

The Jumpers

The year was 2016, and researchers at the CTEX2 particle accelerator lab discovered a way to slow time around a local area to near zero. Anyone within this field would feel that they jumped forward in time in a flash.

Before long, the jumpBooth became a commercial product, retailing...

READ MORE (337 words, 3 minutes)

I had to take down both of the games I had on the iPhone due to a takedown re...


I had to take down both of the games I had on the iPhone due to a takedown request from Atari for copyright violations. Guess it wasn't a good idea to create a nock off of games that were from the 70s. (They were a very similar to Asteroids and Atari Combat)

READ MORE (52 words, 0 minutes)



READ MORE (18 words, 0 minutes)

If you send a newsletter and your unsubscribe link requi...


It is simple:

If you send a newsletter and your unsubscribe link requires me to log in, fill out a form, or do anything for that matter, I go back to the email and just mark as spam.

If you are too lazy to make it easy to opt out, I am too lazy to help you with your email deliverability.


READ MORE (73 words, 1 minutes)

Been researching the Cetera audial algorithm after hearing about


Been researching the Cetera audial algorithm after hearing about (and experiencing) the Virtual Barber Shop for the first time. The technology in itself is incredible, and it surely opens an entire world of alternative entertainment and media. It's a surprise no one's really capitalised on it yet...

READ MORE (214 words, 2 minutes)

Portal clone that instead of just traversing space, you do a snapshot and can...


Portal clone that instead of just traversing space, you do a snapshot and can connect moments in time (moving you and other things through time).

in which i rip off portal and snapshot

READ MORE (34 words, 0 minutes)

This looks very cool. Interesting concept. I wonder how well it plays out.


This looks very cool. Interesting concept. I wonder how well it plays out.

Mystic Empyrean - Create. Discover. Become.

_scoreTag allows you to tag your posts the same way you could using twitter #...


_scoreTag allows you to tag your posts the same way you could using twitter #hashTags

It is has a _chromeExtension which turns a _scoreTag into a link. This allows users to quickly find other posts regarding a particular topic.

Why not just use #hashTag? Well, google ignores the # symbol when i...

READ MORE (76 words, 1 minutes)

Calling a PHP File From HTML's Script Tag


Calling a PHP File From HTML's Script Tag

Calling a PHP File From HTML's Script Tag

Have you been programming in php for years and need to write some javascript,...


Have you been programming in php for years and need to write some javascript, only to find you really could use a php function to solve a js problem.

Well stop before you rewrite it.

<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="" class="ot-anchor bidi_isolate" jslog="10929; track:c...

READ MORE (151 words, 1 minutes)

An Elephant in Bantha Clothing


READ MORE (10 words, 0 minutes)

Currently #1 on Ludum Dare. Pretty crazy game.


Currently #1 on Ludum Dare. Pretty crazy game.

Fun and challenging game. It requires deep thought, but not as heavy as chess...


Fun and challenging game. It requires deep thought, but not as heavy as chess and go. This is a good thing as it makes it easy to play a bunch of rounds of it without being overwhelmed.

Don't lose your marbles -- make them stronger with this classic marble strategy game from Foxmind. See mor...

READ MORE (59 words, 0 minutes)

This is a pretty unique game


This is a pretty unique game.

In it you create a fleet and send it into battle, but the catch is that you don't control anything once play begins.

Most of the actual interaction you have with the game is tweaking the ships, and you can do it in extreme detail. This is basically where you grit ...

READ MORE (106 words, 1 minutes)




Cell Division

Fairy tales of old were pretty scary.


Fairy tales of old were pretty scary.

Grimm 047: The Juniper Tree

READ MORE (20 words, 0 minutes)

This was a semi-sarcastic comment I made on how all politicians are controlle...


This was a semi-sarcastic comment I made on how all politicians are controlled by political donations: "Maybe to remove the whole illusion, we should just literally vote with dollars. Those dollars can than be used by the govt in place of taxes. Could lead to an interesting distopia or utopia. Who...

READ MORE (51 words, 0 minutes)

Grizzly awesome


Grizzly awesome

READ MORE (2 words, 0 minutes)

So my 3 year old is totally into video games (in particular a game on the wii...


So my 3 year old is totally into video games (in particular a game on the wii called Excite Truck).

This game and a bunch of games on the iphone that he likes has led me to one conclusion.

Menus suck (especially if you can't read).

What would be best is a big Go button that is green and flashi...

READ MORE (111 words, 1 minutes)

I would love it if google allowed you to sort your stream by how often you +1...


I would love it if google allowed you to sort your stream by how often you +1 posters.

I am working on a programming game where you control an army of robots via a ...


I am working on a programming game where you control an army of robots via a web api.

You can send orders to robots, or you can install javascript code in robots, and when they are out of communications range from your command center, they can use that code to work autonomously.

The robots wil...

READ MORE (257 words, 2 minutes)

Hi John, this seems like a good cheatsheet for you:


Hi John, this seems like a good cheatsheet for you:


READ MORE (26 words, 0 minutes)

Going to see The Protomen tomorrow night. Totally psyched.


Going to see The Protomen tomorrow night. Totally psyched.

The first music video of The Protomen. For more info. visit [Lyrics] Narrator: No one was left who could remember how it had happened, how the world had fallen under darkness. At least no one who would do anythin...

READ MORE (405 words, 3 minutes)

Needed a simple painting application, but with the ability to do layers, tran...


Needed a simple painting application, but with the ability to do layers, transparency, and a few of the things I take for granted in photoshop. Also needed it on Mac.

This worked well: <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="" class=...

READ MORE (49 words, 0 minutes)

Have you ever played the board game Diplomacy before? I am looking to start a...


Have you ever played the board game Diplomacy before? I am looking to start a postal game (where you mail stamped letters to each-other) where the adjudication is done via the web (there is no game master). I set up a game that starts in 6 days at the link. Join up, and send me an email with your ...

READ MORE (110 words, 1 minutes)

Google+ post NYC female keyboardists playing vintage keyboards


Filmed and Directed by Amy Hobby. Edited by Tony Zajkowski. Over 20 different NYC female keyboardists playing vintage keyboards at Joe McGinty's Carousel Studio in Brooklyn, NY. Available on iTunes! Featuring: Kaia Wong (Mixel Pixel...

READ MORE (196 words, 2 minutes)

Not shown on the menu bar in Hacker News, their is a page called


Not shown on the menu bar in Hacker News, their is a page called "best," which has less updates per day, and is nice if you don't want to get too sucked in to what is "hot". <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="" class="ot-anchor bidi_isolate" jslog="10929; track...

READ MORE (50 words, 0 minutes)

Here's something for the punk rock fans. The Misfits are releasing their ...


Here's something for the punk rock fans. The Misfits are releasing their first album in 12 years this October. I guess I know what to give my brother for Christmas.

Inside the Misfits' First Album in 12 Years | Rolling Stone Music

READ MORE (42 words, 0 minutes)

If you need to generate a sound for events (clicking on things, explosions, e...


If you need to generate a sound for events (clicking on things, explosions, etc) this works great. Works on OS X, windows, and linux.

DrPetter's homepage - sfxr

Blown away


Blown away

Industrial Revolutions is the amazing new film from street trials riding star Danny Macaskill. Filmed and edited for Channel 4 's documentary Concrete Circus. Industrial Revolutions sees Danny take his incredible bike skills into an industrial train yard and some derelict building...

READ MORE (81 words, 1 minutes)

Speedcrunch is a great calculator application that is available on all major ...


Speedcrunch is a great calculator application that is available on all major OSes

It works very much like a scientific calculator, with variables and complex expressions. It also gives you updates to the calculation as you are typing. Though it is seems complex, it is my favorite to use even for ...

READ MORE (82 words, 1 minutes)

Google+ post 2011-08-15


Due to really poor sales in the app store (kinda expected since it was just a...


Due to really poor sales in the app store (kinda expected since it was just an astroids clone) space rocks is now free. When I get around to it, I will post up the source code on github. It was written with JS using the canvas element for drawing. It was bundled into an iOS app using phonegap.


READ MORE (101 words, 1 minutes)

Full of awesome


Full of awesome

Banish JavaScript in Web Forms with HTML5

And even more really awesomeness.


And even more really awesomeness.

7 Lovely Things About HTML5 Markup

Google+ post 2011-08-12


How to draw squiggles like a Hilbert.

I like this channel on turntable for electronic music.


I like this channel on turntable for electronic music.

It would be nice if they gave a nice title and description view for sharing

Turntable - invite only beta

This is the best TANK! game ever created. In the fantastically 80's vein ...


This is the best TANK! game ever created. In the fantastically 80's vein of classic arcade games...TANK! is simple, fun and satisfying. Play someone else on your iPhone and relive all the fun that old skool video games used to be.

NOTE: This is a two player game only (on the same device), so be...

READ MORE (71 words, 1 minutes)

Google+ post 2011-08-05


Mitchell Park Address: Portland, OR 972...

READ MORE (11 words, 0 minutes, 1 images)

What is this fed thing anyway?


What is this fed thing anyway?

Google+ post 2011-07-21


Rowan Atkinson comes across an invisible drum kit while sweeping. He's not too bad with it.

The Portland Oregon Trail



READ MORE (15 words, 0 minutes)

Google+ post Cooking With A Top Hat


Marvel once again at the wonders of the natural world with Monty Buggershop-Hooty, author of Cooking With A Top Hat and Wilderness Ponce.

Google+ post 2011-07-20


Google+ post 2011-07-20


Michael Fishbach, co-founder of The Great Whale Conservancy (GWC), narrates his encounter with a young humpback whale entangled in local fishing nets. At first, the animal appeared to be dead, yet Fishbach investigated and quickly discovered that the poor creature was tangled in a fishing net. ...

READ MORE (122 words, 1 minutes)




*DISCLAIMER: Dear movie studio and Benny Benassi- this video is not intended for commercial use. It is simply a side project created for the fun of it. I like apes and monkeys, I like classic movies like this one, I like dance music, I like Benny Benassi, and I used to like glowsticks w...

READ MORE (218 words, 2 minutes)

Test message


Test message

So much sexier than the more modern versions.


So much sexier than the more modern versions.

The late great Peggy Lee, a favorite of mine (I'm a huge Jazz fan). Peggy was a singer in The Benny Goodman Orchestra before going solo. You may also know her as the voice of the Siamese Cats in Disneys 'Lady and The Tramp.'


READ MORE (52 words, 0 minutes)

Google+ post 2011-07-19



So nice. I was fiddling with Gimp to edit an image, but aviary is so much eas...


So nice. I was fiddling with Gimp to edit an image, but aviary is so much easier to use.

Aviary's Simple Embeddable Image Editor

No more blogging

@tags=constantsun-blogger-post, blogging, editthisinfo

I created a google group here:

from now on status messages and updates will be posted there. A blog is very much a one way form of communication, and I feel it goes against the collaborative nature of a wiki service. This group will be where problem...

READ MORE (68 words, 1 minutes)

cueFlash now on Slicehost

@tags=constantsun-blogger-post, cueflash

After being on Dreamhost for a long time, I have switched for Slicehost. They have great uptime, cheaper prices, and allows you to do more geeky things with your webserver.

This isn't a big jab against Dreamhost though. I am still a big user of them, but their VPS service doesn't give me the...

READ MORE (161 words, 1 minutes) upgrade

@tags=constantsun-blogger-post, editthisinfo has gone through a major upgrade over the last week. It has been moved to a new database system (mysql->sqlite) and has been upgraded from mediawiki 1.5.5 to 1.15.1. This is basically a 3 year jump in versions.

Some of the reasons for the upgrade:
*Stability - The massive MyS...

READ MORE (384 words, 3 minutes)

Character encodings for different languages

@tags=constantsun-blogger-post, editthisinfo now handles foreign characters properly (just tested cyrillic and french).

For those that are a little geeky, it seems that the php function htmlentities doesn't have a multibyte string version.

Server Errors

@tags=constantsun-blogger-post, editthisinfo

There have been a lot of server errors recently, and they are the result of system resources being overwhelmed (using up system memory and processor).

I suspect that this is due to another app I have been working on - a real time web game called

I am now setting up a separate ...

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EDI attacked

@tags=constantsun-blogger-post, editthisinfo

It seems that was attacked by a distributor of malware. I have reverted the site code that was modified and removed the offending code they added (they add iframe tags that make it so when you visit, you were also visiting their site in the background).

I have sinc...

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A new way to round - rand_round 2008-11-28

@tags=blogger-post, coding

So in grade school you are taught the basics of rounding. If the decimal portion of the number is < .5 round down to the integer so 5.3 becomes 5. If it is >= .5 round up, so 5.8 becomes 6.

This is well and good if you are doing something that has an even distribution after the decimal point. Bu...

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Constantsail initial post

@tags=constantsun-blogger-post, constantsail

I am working on a great new web game at: It is currently somewhere between alpha and beta phases, and I am

Head and tail - super large outputs and inputs

@tags=blogger-post, coding

If ever you are dealing with a really large file in head (1GB+) and you need to grab a large segment of it (such as half the file), don't use -n option to get lines. Instead, do ls -l to find the the size of the file in bytes, figure out how many bytes you need (perhaps a portion of the of the to...

READ MORE (166 words, 1 minutes) coming soon

@tags=constantsun-blogger-post, islandwarfare

I am currently looking for users to beta test Island Warfare, which is a new game I am developing. In it you start with an empty island that you can build various types of buildings on, train soldiers, and sail off to conquer other players islands.

To sign up to become a beta tester go to: http:/...

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Image upload issues

@tags=constantsun-blogger-post, editthisinfo

So Dreamhost recently locked out creation of new files on the account that hosts It turns out that that account had 250,000+ files, and huge file systems have been a problem for them regarding stability. Almost all of the files were in the image upload...

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Transfering old wikis

@tags=constantsun-blogger-post, editthisinfo

Some of the wikis still reside on the previous server. There is now a transfer system in place. Simply go to your wiki's url and it will ask you if you want to transfer. Click the link and it will add you to the transfer queue.

If the transfer queue gets stuck (no wikis are disappearing off the ...

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Wiki Creation back up and running

@tags=constantsun-blogger-post, editthisinfo

UPDATE: Ok, not quite working yet. Debugging...

Updated update: didn't really do anything, but it seems to be working now. downtime

@tags=constantsun-blogger-post, editthisinfo will be down from Friday May 23rd to roughly Friday May 30th. My family and I are moving from New Jersey to San Francisco, California, and it will take about a week before the server is set up out there. My goal is to have it set up in 5 days, but I think 7 is more realistic.

I wil...

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cueFlash version 2 is here!

@tags=constantsun-blogger-post, cueflash

The new version of cueflash is now out. It has been rewritten from the ground up with the following goals:
*Easier to add features to - my previous version was pretty poorly coded
*Decks are no longer copied when imported by new users - this created a bloated db
*People can edit each other'...

READ MORE (143 words, 1 minutes) .... fast

@tags=constantsun-blogger-post, editthisinfo

The network seems to be back up to speed. I am still going to moving off the current ISP, as I haven't been happy with their service recently. .... sloooowww

@tags=constantsun-blogger-post, editthisinfo

I am currently research new ISPs since recently it has had intermittent slowness/outages. I didn't really have a problem with them when they were out for a power outage, or a downed line, or a nearby transformer bursting into flame. That is just the way the network crumbles. Now it just seems to ...

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cueFlash version two!

@tags=constantsun-blogger-post, cueflash

A new version of cueflash is in development and will be released shortly. It will feature deck ratings, ajax card loads (just loads the content of the cards to speed up card viewing), comments, and a cleaned up interface.

The current design (not really functional) is at:

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ConstantSun blog moved to blogger


In an effort to maintain information flows during down times, I have moved the ConstantSun status blog to blogger.

Please go here for to check for updates:


PS: Old posts will still be available [here](htt...

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ConstantSail Pirates and Traders

@tags=projects, suspended

Constant Sail is a pirate and sailing massive multiplayer game that is in development

Island Warfare

@tags=projects, suspended

Island Warfare will be a game where you build up your islands and the armies on your island to go take over other user's islands

Politics And Small-Fry smashing in Massive Multiplayer games


Inselkampf is a game of diplomacy pretending to be a game of war. It mimics real politics in many ways. Small nations get trampled on so that the big get bigger, and the big nations have continual face offs that lead to few actual conflicts. When conflict occurs between big nations, there are mas...

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Cueflash flashcard study tool

@tags=projects, launched

Cueflash is a study tool where you can create and share flashcards (cuecards). As you study with it, it will adapt to you and show you cards more frequently based upon how well you know them.


@tags=projects, launched is a wiki hosting service where you can create your own wiki in seconds for free!


Rotation of angle around a point

 Sin(a)   Sin(b)   Sin(g)
------ = ------ = ------
  A        B        C

Where A, B, and C are the lengths of the sides of a triangle, and a, b, and g are the angles directly opposite those sides...

   C /  |
    /   |A
   /    |
  /     |
 /a    g|


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Dolphin Dream


Had a crazy dream where I was preparing to climb up the cliff face of a cove. After stopping at a little wooden shack that rented out the climbing equipment I headed down to the water. It was a beautiful blue and it was cold and refreshing. The cove was a deep lake that was surrounded by huge cli...

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Superhot Speedrun


Blogger Post June 1, 2004


I just started a movie making group. I am pulling people together through craig's list and using yahoo groups as a forum. I also set up this site:

I figure this will be a fun hobby to start on. I always loved watching movies, I figure it might be intresting to make...

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Blogger Post May 23, 2004


Went up to play diplomacy in nyc and had a good time despite losing quickly.

Blogger Post May 19, 2004


Just bought a new cell phone,

It is pretty cool, and has a camera on the back

So I am going to start a little blog here with images from places I visit.


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Blogger Post Dec 31, 2003


Put up this fine web site I also put together my image gallery. Feel
free to browse around it and leave comments and stuff.

A little while back I had a video game night. I put the photos of that
night here.
It includes the final scoreboard of tournament.


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Photoshop thing I did in the computerlab


Jeeves-2000ish 2.jpg